by Alec Clayton – A look at the essential elements that lift the best of fine visual art above the mundane, including reviews ranging from Vincent van Gogh to the New York School to contemporary video, film and installation artists such as Bill Viola and Sandy Skoglund, plus reviews of many artists in the Pacific Northwest who are recognized regionally but do not enjoy the wider acclaim they richly deserve.
The Case Against Wall Fodder
Down with Namby Pamby Art
Abstract Art and Figurative Art
Regional Artists, Not Regional Art
Also included are selected reviews written for Art Access and The Weekly Volcano, including reviews of exhibitions by Vincent van Gogh, Bill Viola, Morris Graves and many more nationally and internationally known artists, and regional artists from the Pacific Northwest whose works are rarely reviewed anywhere else.
Americans in Paris
Ross Palmer Beecher
Donald Cole
Contemporary Basket Invitational
Marita Dingus
Morris Graves
The Great American Thing
Ric Hall and Ron Schmitt
Fay Jones and Gaylen Hansen
Ron Hinson
Reilly Jensen
Diane Kurzyna
Paul and Dante Marioni
William Morris
The New York School
Barlow Palmenteri
Willie Ray Parish
Joseph Park and Phillip Pearlstein
Chauney Peck
Seattle Grunge Art
Holly Senn
Sandy Skoglund
CJ Swanson and David Goldberg
Van Gogh
Bill Viola
Dave Wegener
Thornton Willis
Order As If Art Matters from your favorite bookstore or Amazon.
Publication years: 2003, 2008
Trade paper, 120 pages
$10.00 Amazon ISBN: 978-0980032246
Also available on Kindle.