by Ricker Winsor – “When Bob Dylan left New York City in 1970 I thought he had the right idea. The sixties were over and many of us were tired and probably suffering from PTSD either because of fighting in Vietnam or because of not fighting in Vietnam, because our heroes had been assassinated, and because creeps had infiltrated our idealistic, Utopian sub culture. The Make Love Not War world that seemed so attainable a few years earlier took a turn and disappeared. We did the next best thing; we returned to the land to live a simple, honest life close to nature, to real things we could rely on. My book is a tribute to that idea and to the people I looked to in the hills of New Hampshire for a better understanding about how to live this life. There are a lot of high quality photographs in this book as well as poetry by David Kherdian, Robert Frost, Emily Dickinson, Dylan Thomas, John Keats, and EE Cummings.”
Order Everything in its Season from your favorite bookstore or Amazon.
Publication year: 2019
Trade paper, 158 pages
$28.50 Amazon ISBN: 978-1089450733