
by Ricker Winsor – “This is a visual biography done over twenty years. The pictures tell a very clear story not only of a beautiful French woman, now an American citizen, but of a relationship. Photography freezes time and feelings too. The sensitive viewer can get a lot of information from a purposeful photograph and these photographs were done the wonderful old way, with top equipment, Leica and Nikon cameras, the best photographic paper, and hours in the darkroom. In my mind a lot was lost when that approach disappeared. Also, for me, nothing is as good as a black and white photograph and that was my way. Color is beautiful; I am a painter, but in my view it distracts from what the photographer is trying to ‘say.’This book contains seventy-five photographs of Francine, the best from a large archive. Short captions accompany the photographs. This is a tribute to her and it is my gift to her for our years together. And it is gift for her many friends. Among other things, she is a peace activist and a justice fighter, unrelenting. I believe any viewer, whether or not they know her, will enjoy this book. I am sure of that.” – Ricker Winsor Surabaya, Indonesia

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Publication year: 2019
Trade paper, 125 pages
$18.00 Amazon ISBN: 978-1730848445