In this sister publication to Mud Flat Shorts (mostly fiction) you will find 81 poems by 19 writers—poems about history, about people and places, about life, love and death—playful, satirical, sad, emotionally stirring and challenging poems. Some of the poets are people who never considered themselves poets but who, from time to time, are inspired to write in verse. Many are experienced professional writers whose work has appeared in major publications such as The New Yorker, Atlantic Monthly, Poetry, The Hudson Review, Prairie Schooner, The Iowa Review, Texas Quarterly, and Poetry Northwest.
From New York City comes Texas-born Steve Schalchlin, songwriter/composer of The Last Session and New World Waking; from the Virgin Islands comes Anne Nayer whose “Eight Vignettes from a Memoir in Progress” was published in Mud Flat Shorts (mostly fiction); from Western Washington come Lennée Reid, Suzanne Simon, Lynne Ellis; from California come Southern USA born Larry Johnson and Jack Butler, and more and more and more, including Judith Bouffiou, Jay Curlin with illustrations by Bonnie Curlin, David Dooley, Paul Lubenkov, Max Nolan, James O’Barr, Kathleen O’Shaunessy, Dan Pens, Jes Simmons, Johnny Wink, Ricker Winsor, and Gabi Clayton.
Sister publications Mud Flat Shorts (mostly fiction) and this volume should sit side by side on bookshelves but should not sit there forever; they should be taken off the shelf and read over and over.
“We play (in all seriousness) with poems/verses/prose, painting vistas with phases written, spoken, sung, spun into a million colors.” ~ Gabi Clayton
Watch the first Mud Flat Verse (an anthology) Lit Chat
which happened on Saturday, January 27, 2024:
And watch the second Mud Flat Verse (an anthology) Lit Chat which happened on Wednesday, January 31, 2024:
Find out more about the writers of Mud Flat Verse (an anthology) here.
Order Mud Flat Verse (an anthology)
is available at these Olympia, WA bookstores:
Browsers Bookshop, Orca Books Cooperative, and Last Word Books,
or directly from Alec and Gabi Clayton, MFP’s publishers – contact us;
and from your favorite bookstore (ask them to order it for you)
or on Amazon.
Publication year: 2023
Trade paper, 158 pages
Retail price: $10.00
ISBN: 9798872276265