Thirty-one great stories by nineteen great writers. Three stories by New York Times bestselling author and Pulitzer-Prize nominee Jack Butler; two by O. Henry Award and Big Muddy magazine’s Mighty River Short Story Prize winner Keith Eisner; one by National Book Foundation’s “5 Under 35” novelist Megan Kruse; one by National bestselling author of The Eagle Tree, Ned Hayes; plus stories by Dawud H. Al-Malik, Jenni Prange Boran, Christian Carvajal, Alec Clayton, CK Combs, John Knold as Tracy Gunn, Meenu Madhavan, Shree Nath, Anne Nayer, James O’Barr, James Robert Peery, Jes Simmons, Samuel Snoek-Brown, James P. Stuart, and Ricker Winsor.
The stories in this volume range from contemporary drama to science fiction to the macabre, and each carries a strong sense of place—wherever that place happens to be, and sometimes a sense of place is a state of mind.
“In this rich treasure of weird stories you can smell the swampy dirt and feel the mystical humidity of broken, disturbed feelings in these tiny, very human characters.”
~ Steve Schalchlin, songwriter/composer of The Last Session, The Big Voice: God or Merman? and New World Waking.
Find out more about the writers of Mud Flat Shorts (mostly fiction) here.
Order Mud Flat Shorts (mostly fiction) from your favorite bookstore (ask them to order it for you) or on Amazon.
Publication year: 2022
Trade paper, 294 pages
ISBN: 979-8838030085
Also available on Kindle
We held a kickoff event at Browsers Bookshop in Olympia, WA on July 27, 2022, and then two events on Zoom for the book: “Meet the authors of the anthology Mud Flat Shorts (mostly fiction),” on September 29th and October 1, 2022, and they were a great way for the readers and authors to connect with each other.