Alec and Gabi Clayton started Mud Flat Press as a way of creating an imprint for Alec’s books. When Ricker Winsor started sending letters home from Indonesia, we suggested he compile them into a book. He did, and he had us publish it for him. That book is Pakuwon City. Then Jack Butler sent selections from his book Practicing Zen Without a Licence, and we asked him if we could publish it. With Jack’s long history as a successfully published author, we didn’t think he would agree to our proposal, but he did, and we were honored and happy to be able to bring his book out under the Mud Flat Press imprint.
The press has grown from there to what you see today.
So it’s just us, Gabi and Alec, working out of our home in Olympia, Washington.
We thought of Geoduck Publishing but decided that few people outside this area would know what a geoduck is or even how to pronounce it (gooey duck). We also thought that using the image of a geoduck as a logo might make us look a bit silly.
We decided on Mud Flat Press because the first thing we saw at the Highway 101 exit to The Evergreen State College after driving all the way from Mississippi with our two kids in the car and our worldly possessions in the smallest of U-Haul trailers was the mud flats at low tide.
Mud Flat Press is not accepting unsolicited submissions for consideration of publication under our imprint at this time. We do, however, help authors prepare their books for self-publishing using print-on-demand (POD) technology. See our Book Editing and Design Services page for information.

Some fun pre-history of Mud Flat Press: ‘TLC’ important to area publishers, a 1984 article in the Hattiesburg American, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, about our first independent publishing endeavors. (PDF format)