Jim Peery: Eupora’s Forgotten Son

by Marica Bernstein Special to the Webster Progress Times | 07-20-2022 In the two-volume classic “A History of Mississippi,” James Robert “Jim” Peery (1900-54) is listed alongside William Faulkner, Richard Wright and others as a Mississippi author who has “proven that even poor folk can be shown with understanding and appreciation for what their lives … Read more

Keith Eisner writes about writing

Keith Eisner’s story “Shrine” previously appeared in the 2018 Big Muddy magazine as the winner of that magazine’s Short Story Contest, sponsored by Southeast Missouri State University. His story “Blue Dot,” published in Salamander, appeared in the 2017 O. Henry Prize Story anthology. Both are reprinted in Mud Flat Shorts (mostly fiction). Keith writes: How cool is it … Read more

Jes Simmons on the creation of her short story

When we published Mississippi Arts & Letters way back in the 1980s, Jes Simmons contributed poems and other writing, and many years later we reconnected on Facebook and by email. Jes was one of the first writers we invited to submit to Mud Flat Shorts (mostly fiction). She responded with the short story “At Dairy … Read more

Jack Butler on his stories ‘Emmolene’s Bones,’ ‘Hawk Gumbo’ and ‘Mrs. Lookadoo’s Walkabout’

An old friend and favorite writer, Jack Butler, sent us a group of shorts stories that we wanted to publish. There were not enough for a book, however, so we came up with the idea of inviting other writers and doing an anthology of shorts stories. This one. Here’s what Jack had to say about … Read more

“Mr. Mischievous at Five” and “Pelham Manor, New York” by Ricker Winsor

Ricker Winsor has been with Mud Flat Press since 2010 with the publication of his first book, Pakuwon City. We are happy to have two of his stories in Mud Flat Shorts (mostly fiction). Here is what Ricker has to say about his stories: My contribution to the Mud Flat Press anthology is different from … Read more

Jenni Prange Boran Talks About Her Story ‘Stage Four’

We asked Jackie Cassella, founder of Creative Colloquy to recommend writers for Mud Flat Shorts (mostly fiction). She recommended three writers, all of whom graciously accepted our invitation and all of whom submitted stories that were just right for the anthology. There are two stories by Jenni Prange Boran. Here she talks about her story … Read more

The writing of “Godsend” and “Til all the Bones Are Buried” – by Samuel Snoek-Brown

Having met Samuel Snoek-Brown at a Creative Colloquy reading and after reading his great Civil War novel Hagridden, I was anxious to invite him to submit something to the anthology Mud Flat Shorts (mostly fiction). He submitted two stories, “Godsend” and “Til all the Bones Are Buried,”an excerpt from a not-yet-published novel of the same … Read more

The anthology MUD FLAT SHORTS (mostly fiction) is out!

We are overjoyed to announce the publication of MUD FLAT SHORTS (mostly fiction), a collection of 31 stories by 19 magnificent writers. The stories range from personal memoirs about childhood in New York to the life of a man who was falsely accused of murder and spent fifty years in prison, to science fiction, to … Read more

Nineteen World Class Writers

“Emmolene’s Bones” by Jack Butler may well be the strangest love story ever written. “Hawk Gumbo,” also by Jack Butler, is the quintessential Southern Gothic or Grit Lit story. “Godsend” by Samuel Snoek-Brown is the story of a woman obsessed with the thought of murdering her neighbor because the neighbor has irritating habits and sings horrendously. Both … Read more

Teacher, teacher, what do I do? (book announcement)

Yesterday I finished what I think was the third (can’t keep count) complete rewrite, start to finish, of my new novel Teacher. With deep thanks to Brynn Garman, Rin Westcott, Steve Tarry, Cameron Combs, Bryan Willis, Mian Carvan, Margaret Culbertson, Brady Olson, SJ Boyle, Nancy Sigafoos, Diane Sawyer, Don Orr Martin, Megan Kruse, Bev Sykes, … Read more