Christian Carvajal is the author of Lightfall, a satirical novel about the end of the world as seen from a small, Baptist town in Oklahoma. Mr. Klein’s Wild Ride, which he wrote as Lynn Savage, is set in a theme park for polyamorous adults. Carv is also the author of Rereading the Bible: Agnostic Insights Into Genesis, The Gospels and Revelation, a nonfiction look at scripture through 21st-century eyes.
He was the founding, managing editor of OLY ARTS and still writes and/or copyedits for them. He was the principal editor of Creative Colloquy (creativecolloquy.com) for a year after several of his stories were published there. He was also a frequent contributor to The Weekly Volcano.
Carv grew up in, first, Los Angeles, and then in northern California until his family moved to rural Oklahoma, the site of his first novel, where he went to high school and college. After grad school in southern Illinois, he moved back to L.A. to find work in the movie business—”which I did,” he says, “though not without numerous stressful travails—then back to Oklahoma “for reasons that escape me now.”
He moved to Olympia, Washington in 2007, where he has since worked in theater and writing.
His recent stage work includes A Few Good Men and three radio dramas at Lakewood Playhouse, Seven Ways to Get There and Tartuffe for Theater Artists Olympia, Starry Messenger at Olympia Family Theater, Angels in America and Communicating Doors at Olympia Little Theatre and The Pillowman at Tacoma Little Theatre. He’s been acting for over forty years now, including some major appearances in minor Hollywood movies and minor appearances in major Hollywood movies. “Weirdly, the jobs I get the most recognition for are Templeton the rat (Charlotte’s Web at OFT) or that time I got zapped by demonic lightning on ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer.’”
Most recently, after putting the finishing touches on C Is for Collection and after thirty years of being too scared to do it, “I finally amassed the gumption to do three minutes of standup at Vomity in Olympia’s La Voyeur. As I write this, I’ve just confirmed my second set. How far I’ll take that I have no idea, but it’s a fun summer self-indulgence.”
Published by Mud Flat Press:
C Is for Collection
Mr. Klein’s Wild Ride (as Lynn Savage)