Mud Flat Shorts
(mostly fiction)
an anthology

Christmas On A Distant Planet
by Jack Butler
illustrated by Gabi Clayton

C Is for Collection
by Christian Carvajal

Angels Sleep Alone
by James Robert Peery

by Alec Clayton

Mr. Klein’s Wild Ride
by Lynn Savage

Imprudent Zeal
by Alec Clayton

Until the Dawn
by Alec Clayton

Freedom Trilogy Book 1:
The Backside of Nowhere
by Alec Clayton

Freedom Trilogy Book 2:
Return to Freedom
by Alec Clayton

Freedom Trilogy Book 3:
Visual Liberties
by Alec Clayton

Practicing Zen Without a License
by Jack Butler

Reunion at the Wetside
by Alec Clayton

Squawk! A Story in Fowl Language
by Penelope Merrell

The Wives of Marty Winters
by Alec Clayton